Thursday, June 23, 2011


"Today I went to JCPenney..."

Not really.  This is my first blog entry so I'm stealing a line from comedian Mike Birbiglia.  I have no reason to have a blog and if you're reading this it's not because I invited you.  If you are reading this, well, you've really reached the end of the internet and should move on to the next big thing.

Really I'm just hoping this will be a writing exercise for me.  I'm a lazy non-writer with a million ideas in my head.  All right, maybe just a few dozen.  But I ain't getting any younger so if I want them out of my head I need to start writing them down somewhere.  Why not a vaguely public place in the ether of cyberspace?

So the goal will be to write something every day.  Something of interest primarily to me so don't bother checking in frequently.  But I do shop at JCPenney sometimes so if you're intrigued by that please do check back.